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Monday, December 30, 2013

Good friends quotes

We have so much fun when we are together. We laugh, crack our own jokes and yet what I value more than these is the fact that you are a faithful friend.
~ Carlton Chaise
Good friends quotes
I can go through all those troubles in life. I can fight all those enemies that I have made in life and can wade through all the trials. All I need is one good loyal friend.
~ Joshua Seth

In this world it is not very easy to find the perfect human who we can call a friend. They somehow have an annoying habit or fault. Blessed are you if you have someone who is simply perfect.
~ Kay Chang

Good friends are those that
don't back out no matter what. They are not there just for the good times. They are like a shadow which pursues you no matter what the situation looks like.
~ Max Strong

I am the type of friend who will never come fiddle with you unless you are going in the wrong direction.
~ Jacob Aisle

A friend like you is one in a million. A rare gem and I am so happy that I have found you. You have given me all the things that I have always wanted.
~ Willy Barnes

I am a friend who will look over your little mistakes and wrong doings. I will correct you, yes... but not hold it against you.
~ Vlad Ion

Unlike what many think, you don't need a hundred so called "friends" who are just acquaintances. What you do need is a friend who understands you and is there for you.
~ Allie Zed

My friend is like a replica of me. We share the same passions, hobbies and we even like the same type of people. That's what makes this friend so special to me.
~ Marge Wayne

Having a friend does not take much effort but being a friend is something that requires dedication. Find someone who you can invest your friendship in.
~ Emma Deans

When life seems to be dying away
and there are no passions left, a friend can be that companion who shines like a bright sun in the darkness.
~ Barbara Jose

What is a cheaper alternative to speaking to a psychiatrist or counselor? Having an honest friend of course.
~ Robert Law

There are the kind of friends whom I tell please leave me by myself. They leave me but are always close by. I like those kind of pals.
~ Redden Trent

Don't let a true friend go no matter what. If they have a single annoying habit, stay patient. There are thousands of people who are searching yet cannot find someone they can call their own.
~ Anastasia Slaw

Next Page: Happy 2014 quotes

Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy New year quotes 2014

A new book is waiting for me. Nothing has ever been written on this book. I am going to write success, happiness, joy, love, health and prosperity in this book called New year!
~ Joseph Welsh
Happy New year quotes 2014
Happy New year quotes 2014
Don't worry if you made mistakes. Don't loose patience if you think you really messed up. Just keep your mind on the higher things and believe in the opportunity that the new year is bringing.
~ Aaron Trough

There is a reward waiting in the new year for every bit of hard work you went through last year. There is love waiting for every bit of argument, quarrel and hatred you went through. Stay hopeful.
~ Joyner Vern

This new year I am making it a
point to be a winner and have a positive mindset. This year is my year to rise to a new level of goodness. There is so much of happiness waiting for me on the other side.
~ Lionel Jean

The old is passing away and the new things are on their way. The best days of my life are still standing in front of me.
~ Casey Loyal

I quit being the old me who used to be negative and used to get disappointed easily. The new man inside me full of energy, enthusiasm and joy. There is nothing that can hold me down this year.
~ Benny Mire

Last year was really bad and I thought I would not make it through it. But thank God it is finally over. This new year will give rise to new things and I can't wait to experience it.
~ Dane Missy

There are new people, new opportunities and chances that you will find. Train your mind in advance to live each day of the new year with an unbeatable mindset which will take you closer to your destiny.
~ York Wild

I am brimming with excitement and a new found vigor. The new year is something that I have been waiting for to turn up to a new chapter in life. Here it finally is.
~ Damien Sloan

Make all your good dreams come true this year and all that you hope for come into being. May you be happy and joyful. Happy New Year!
~ Ozzie Snipe

Next Page: Best quotes from 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Life is good quotes

When you keep God first place and believe in him with all your heart no matter what the situation is good.
~ Owen Martin
Life is good quotes and happy sayings
Life is good quotes
Want to live the good life? In that case all you need to do is let go of the past, stop worrying about tomorrow and live in the present with a smile. The past is just a memory and the future will take care of itself.
~ Tony Williams

Don't keep thinking,
pondering, meditating or worrying. What you need to do is act, experience and live more. You only have limited number of days.
~ Bony Mistral

Life is a beach and we are building castles in the sand. One day all of it needs to go away but until then raise a hammock and sip coconut water as the sun shines down on your pretty face.
~ York Dons

Live life like you will not have another day. Make the most of it in the moment and spend time with the ones that matter the most. Give out with love and don't hold back. You will be happy you did.
~ Pecans Suarez

You have a choice to either believe that life goes on as it is or that every day is a miracle and a chance to live life as if you are lucky. When you choose the latter, good things are not very far.
~ Tristan Wallace

You don't have to live in the way you are right now. You can make your life better and have something even more beautiful. All you have to do is believe, speak and act towards it.
~ Ignatius Moran

To live a good life, you need to have good beliefs, surround yourself with good people, have good food to eat and a heart which always has a joyful song.
~ Virginia Shaw

What must I do live a good life?
We all want to live it and experience it. It may seem elusive to some and more than possible to the others. So what are the things that make life good?
1. Almighty God: In my belief I have always believed that the creator of the universe is responsible for our happiness and so we must keep him first place. 2. Healthy mind: Think positive thoughts and live a happy life. Everything starts in the mind and the seeds which are planted in the mind take root and bring to life what is thought. 3. Feel it: You need to feel happy and good about yourself. Treat yourself to something good. Make sure that you are following your dreams, setting goals for yourself from time to time and achieving them.

Have any more suggestions. Please comment and let us know.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Good Christmas Quotes

Here are some good Christmas quotes for 2013. Have fun reading.

This year I want to tell Santa about you. I will ask him to forward all my gifts to you because you have been the kindest friend to me. Have a Merry Christmas!
~ Jessica Gray
Good Christmas Quotes
Good Christmas Quotes
It is really very cold outside but it does not matter on Christmas because I have friends, family and all I need to keep my heart warm.
~ Anna Blithe

I remember the times when
I was a child and my parents used to decorate the house so beautifully. I always loved Christmas and still anticipate it months in advance. : )
~ Mary Ray

There is a lot of things to do before Christmas.. But I don't mind it because Christmas has given me so many beautiful memories that I will cherish all my life.
~ Jeanette rhyme

The joy of Christmas is in sharing love and kindness with those who do not have it. This Christmas, don't just show love to near and dear ones but go further and be kind to the less fortunate and the needy.
~ Rhonda May

This is a season of perfect love. It is the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is something about babies that really brings a warm fuzzy feeling within our hearts that is worth sharing.
~ Umber Winters

Christmas is not all about the shopping, buying and selling. It is much more deeper than that. Christmas is about the love, kindness and joy that we need to share with others.
~ Oswald Voice

No matter how many wars and other problems the world may face. As long as we have Christmas every year I know in my heart that there is still a lot of hope for the world.
~ Louisa Streets

Christmas is a time for happiness and giving. I pray that the Lord God almighty may bless you with both these life giving qualities.
~ Lebanon Gold

You know what the best thing is about Christmas? Whether you like it or not, you will always be reminded about it. It is a holiday, a day of joy and cheer. Spread the Christmas cheer.
~ Jacob Sumter

I have learnt that Christmas is not just a season for me and my family. I like to go beyond myself and help donate to charities and bring a smile to faces that have no reason to smile.
~ Monica Peters

Decorations to be put up, Christmas tree to be set up, getting gifts and so much more. I love Christmas, but even in all these things I always remember the real reason behind it. You should too.
~ Wolston Lobo

 Next Page: Good Morning Quotes

Monday, December 2, 2013

Good people quotes

Their value is not in dollars or pounds but in qualities, virtues and the wealth that they create in your heart and mind. Having a good person in your life is like having a gem that cannot be price tagged.
~ Tara Mink
Good people quotes
No matter how bad the darkness may seem, one ray of light brings hope back in life. In the same way no matter how many bad people you encounter, a few good people can still change the world.
~ Shawn Tar

The problem in the world is not
so much when the wicked people spread obstructions and hatred. Apathy arises when the good people do not stand for what is right.
~ Jacob Mall

Good people quotes

All that needs to be done is to stop focusing and fighting the negative things in life and start building up the dreams and realities that really do matter.
~ Carr Folks

There are some who do a good deed one day and then stop for the next few months. Goodness is something that takes birth in the heart and flows like a fountain. Don't let it stop at any point.
~ Flint Lambs

A kind person is like a tree which provides shade from the scorching heat of life. Like a river which provides water to the people and like a light which dispels all darkness away.
~ Brink Nijinsky

Good people have certain traits which are common among them. They are good because they can empathize with the less fortunate. They learn from their mistakes and are not selfish in their deeds.
~ Deena Parker

If you wish to be a good person, let it begin with a simple thought. Put your good thoughts and deeds to action and then see those actions blossom into a good character.
~ Bill Cosby

This world needs more people who are good and honest. We need people who are loving, who are courteous and kind.
~ Wells Storm

Next Page: Sunday Morning Quotes

How can I be a good person again?
You may have made bad choices in the past and things may not have gone as you planned them to go. But I am here to tell you that its not too late to turn back and come to the other side. The past is over and gone. Now its just a memory which remains in your mind. Its not as late as you think it is. You are not too young or too old to do anything.
1. Start with making a list of all the good things that you can do and a list of all the bad things that you need to avoid. It maybe a little difficult but think hard and make the list. That should give you some perspective.
2. Next try and put in efforts into ensuring that you are following what is enlisted. Don't be surprised if you fail but you need to keep pushing forward  and then eventually you will see goodness reek out of you. Other will find the light and you will be a shining example to many.

Next Page: Best collection of morning quotes

Monday, November 25, 2013

Good morning sunday quotes

One day I will have so much money in the bank that every day will be like Sunday. I will have more than enough and will never have to see a day without rest.
~ Jacklyn France
Good morning Sunday quotes for every week
Good morning sunday quotes
Can you imagine life without having a day like Sunday? It would be like an axe which keeps cutting but never sharpens itself. We need to sharpen ourselves each week.
~ Myron Goodman

Eating together at one table with the family, hanging out with friends out in the open and going for mass to worship God. That is what my Sunday is all about.
~ Manor Snipe

All those other days
drain me and pain me but Sunday is refreshment. It simply is a day to eat rest and enjoy my self.
~ Caleb Morley

Hold on tight and don't give up hope or get overburdened with work. Sunday is on its way to rescue you from those week days.
~ DuPont Joint

Sunday is a time when you sit back and reflect on all the blessings that you have received. Smile at all the good things that you are enjoying.
~ Sera Train

Don’t let anyone or anything take away the day of rest from you for petty reasons. Hold your peace and rest and let it be good for you.
~ Bill Mossy

A good refreshment clears all tensions and stress away. Sunday works similarly and takes away all the pain and toil of the week.
~ Anna Walrus

Sunday brings along memories of childhood when I used to wake up to go to church. Then when I would return home there would be something special for breakfast. I miss those days.
~ Quincy Latte

After all not all days were created equally. When you look back at it, you are actually working hard for a single day  - Sunday for the rest of the 5 days of the week.
~ Shawn Kyley

Next Page: Good Quotes for you

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Good Quotes

Goodness is a virtue that goes beyond the ordinary and it inspires people to go further than what they think possible. You need to make it your mission to find avenues which will lead to greatness.
~ Jean Rom
Life is good, good quotes, quotations and sayings which are good
Life is in Good Quotes
Keep stretching your limits and you will eventually find that there are none. You were meant for success and you can do anything that you want to as long as you have the determination to do it correctly.
~ Sarah Christian

He thought to himself about why just be normal when he can be good at what he does. He woke up with a new vigor and pushed until he reached new heights of success.
~ Robert Haley

Those who keep trying eventually pound the right door and enter their destiny. But there are those who get tired mid way and stop never realizing that the right door was the next one.
~ Tress Johnson

Sometimes all you need to do is get the thought in your mind and keep playing it over and over again. Your will then see your actions and your character build based on those little thoughts.
~ Violet Maid

Failure is a dangerous word to those who do not know how to extract the best out of the situation.
Its simple - Take the lesson, try again, apply the learning and succeed.
~ Shane Morley

There are events when timing is everything but in many other situations all we need to do is not worry about the time and start. You cannot always have a green signal when you are travelling on the road.
~ Bean Lorry

Don't let the routine conquer you as a person. Make sure that you are striving and making efforts to break old habits and build a character which goes far beyond.
~ Wayne Jackson

Darkness and sadness are a part of life but if you keep your focus on the light at the end of the road, you will make it to your destiny.
~ Jermaine Doge

As you keep progressing and designing a better and successful person inside you, you may face temptations to give up. But hold to the plan and the results will amaze you and those around you too.
~ Clarence Toys

Next Page: Good Morning Quotes and sayings

Monday, November 11, 2013

Best good morning messages

I have just arrived from dreams and here is the sunlight greeting me. I have woken up today to make the dreams of last night come true.
~ Tim Morning
Best good morning messages
Best good morning messages
Today I have decided to have the best day I possibly can. For that I am going to make friends with hope, courage, happiness, love and every good person I meet on the way.
~ John Stake

Another wonderful morning where I will fall more deeply in
love with you. A day when I will feel even more happy that you are a part of my life. Good Morning!
~ Pharrel Willis

Best good morning messages

Morning has arrived and so has the time to succeed. This is my day and I will use all my talents to become a better person and achieve the things that I have always dreamed of.
~ Dias Fell

The beginning of my morning are with a smile for you. You give me a good reason to laugh, to live life with happiness and bliss. You will always be my sweet sunshine.
~ Vanessa Dawn

There are so many people who may not be able to see the light of day today. We are blessed with life today. Make sure that you love the people that have been entrusted in your care.
~ Anna Rogers

As soon as you wake up practice having a happy mindset for a few hours. The rest of the day will take care of itself. You need to program your mind and life to be happy.
~ Cathy Times

Every morning when I wake up I tell myself, "This is a good day that has been given to me by God. I am going to utilize all my gifts, qualities and strengths to make sure that I have an awesome day."
~ Bill Tire

At the end of my life I may be asking for one chance to correct things. But I don't need to wait that long because every morning gives me that chance. I am going to make things better today.
~ Lionel Torres

Next Page: Good Morning happy Quotes

Monday, November 4, 2013

Good morning quotes and sayings

I look out of my window and its a splendid view here. I take a deep breathe and look at the river flowing by glistening in the rays of the sun. Its a wonderful day to start a happy morning.
~ Philly Slam
Good morning quotes and sayings about life
Good morning my friends

These little things about the early morning like the first rays of the sun and the cool breeze are so precious. We can miss them if we do not pay attention to them but if we do look at them, they point out to the beauty of nature.
~ Ensnares Steel

As the days turn into
months and the months turn into years, I realize the importance of each day. Every day is important to make me the person that I am. There are so many things that I constantly learn and understand.
~ Dylan Mona

The rays of the sun bring a promise of new hope. Hope, love and happiness is all we need for a good day.
~ Jacqueline Morass

When I face difficult situations and hard times I look at the sun. The sun shining in the morning is a guarantee that darkness has no power over us and it tells me that good things are coming for me.
~ Senora Joann

I have made up my mind to let the troubles of yesterday disappear like the breeze. I am marching forward onto new beginnings, into shades of goodness and happiness. Good Morning!
~ Bilious Dollar

Let us make up our minds this morning to do something different. Something that will make us better, something good.
~ Bingo Horn

I don't know what this day has in store for me but I know that no matter what life brings my way I will go through it with a smile. All through success and disappointments I will keep my heart filled with love.
~ Zane Don

Amazing opportunities await me as I leave for work or school today. This day I am going to go in the direction of my goals and dreams to live the life I have always wanted to.
~ Danish Zaire

Yesterday may not have been good for me but today is a fresh new day and I am focused on living it well.
~ Tom Sire

No matter what you are searching for, if you go with a brave heart and a strong mind, you can achieve it. Put in all your effort and victory will be closer than you think.
~ Jay Sweet

Next Page: The best quotes

What to do when my mood is off early morning?
This situation can arise especially if someone says something bad to you. It can also arise if you listen to something annoying or get a bad text. Another source of grief is the news in any form...TV, radio or newspapers. They all have depressing things to say.
Step 1: Well the best way to get over all these sources is to just avoid them all. If you know that looking at your cell phone and reading an unpleasant text is going to make you unhappy. Avoid it. Avoid the news. I have shut it out for many years now. I do read it off and on but avoid murders and other depressing stories. What is not important to me is what I need to avoid. Instead I redirect my strength to something better and important.

Step 2:
Redirect your mind to better things if your mood is already spoiled and try to make things better yourself. Steadily as you keep your focus on the high road your mind will be lifted off bitter things and feel better. Try and always focus your mind on good things. Pray in the morning, listen to good music or read something inspirational. You can always bookmark this site and come here if nothing else.

Next Page: The best quotes on a happy morning

Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy good morning quotes

Sometimes just a thought about you can light up my morning and then I just cannot stop smiling. I am happy beyond understanding and my whole day is happier than any other ordinary day.
~ Tom Schedar
Happy good morning quotes
Happy good morning quotes
There is always a temptation to think about yesterday and become sad today and there is also opportunity to worry about tomorrow. But I have made up my mind to live for today and be as happy as I can be.
~ Danny Com

I feel loved, I am blessed. I have a roof over my head to shelter me and I have a comfortable bed on which I slept all night. I have a good family and friends who love me. Nothing can stop me from being happy this morning.
~ Lima Chorea

Happiness is different to different people. To some it may mean love, to others money, some others may find it in family and food. You just need to know what is your happiness and then go for it.
~ Jenna Atkins

My heart is set on happiness and I will not turn away. It is a feeling that I just cannot let go because happiness is a part of me. I don't need to call it, it just resides within me.
~ Benny Ion

I was about to droop and become sad but then the sweet chirping from the birds made me cheerful. I was about to give in to unhappiness but the big bright sun just put a smile on my face. Happy morning to you!
~ Kong Lord

Staying happy is a choice that each one of us make. There will always be problems and unhappiness around but the ultimate choice is with us. Make the happy choice this morning.
~ Rory Velvet

Next Page: Good Morning prayer Quotes

How to stay happy every morning?
This may not be the simplest of things because the fight is not out of us but within us. We need to play this with our minds and ensure that we get this right each and every day. It may seem easy but its not, especially if you are going through a traumatic experience.
But otherwise, it is easier. You just need to refocus from the bad to the good. Why must you do that? Well, the results are worth working for. These refocused thoughts will lead to a better and happier you. A happy life is a well spent life and you must try it not only for yourself but for others too. Because when you are happy, you have a better chance of making someone else happy.
Wish you a happy morning!

Next Page: Good morning happiness quotes

Monday, October 21, 2013

Romantic good morning messages

I wish I could be besides you as you open those cute eyes.
Would brush my fingers by your hair and lay your hands aside.
Then I would say a prayer for today to protect you from falling.
Lastly I would take your hand in mine and wish u good morning.
~ Ronald Jane
Romantic good morning messages

You are the reason why happiness meets me every morning.
When I wake up a thought of you pops up without a warning.
Then you are always on my mind from morning until night.
Get up my love my heart says your day is going to be alright.
~ Weiss Strong

This morning I sent the sweetest voice of birds to wake you.
I sent the warmth of this morning to reach your heart too.
I'm doing it because you are the loveliest person I have met.
I love you and you are someone my heart will never forget.
~ Sharlene Twain

To my heart, times make no difference whether dawn or night.
My love for you is burning at all times like the sun so bright.
Every dream about you has made my heart more caring.
That is why I wish you a lovely good morning.
~ Marina Jet

Morning is the best time to remember how lucky I am.
You are my prized love, like an Oscar or a grand slam.
I remember the days when I was single, now we are two.
I cannot count the number of reason why I love you.
~ Scarlet Nervy

The first best thing that happened to me was when I met you. The second best was when one of us proposed and we fell in love. The third is to keep you forever. Good Morning Love! Have a great day!
~ Author

I woke up this morning thinking of the smiles and laughter and all the happiness that we have experienced, all I want to say is I love you very much. Good Morning sweet heart!
~ Known to me

So many people submit their quotes and messages, please comment and post yours or at least like our page.

Next Page: Love messages in the morning for your love

Monday, October 14, 2013

Good morning sunshine quotes

Just as love makes life beautiful and prevents sorrow. Sunshine is the single source of light which gives us light during the day and makes the moon shine at night.
~ Abby Jonas
Good morning sunshine quotes
Good morning sunshine quotes
I wake up with a positive thought in my mind which automatically puts a smile on my face and then make others happy. That reminds me of the sun which burns brightly just so that we can have bright light.
~ Giannini Polish

Good morning sunshine quotes

Have you ever looked up to the bright natural morning light and felt bad? You cannot because this is the light which brings happiness and starts the another day in your precious life.
~ Evelyn Snares

They say morning sun is good for health because it has Vitamin D content in the sunlight. I believe that it not only has precious Vitamins but also positivism and joy.
~ Halley Base

It may be difficult to break away from the darkness and the sleep but today is a new day. You were made for goodness and you need to face it with a smile on your face.
~ Brianna Moe

When you get up in the morning with a good attitude, you can be sure about the fact that everything is going to turn good for you. When you brighten your mind, all darkness around moves away.
~ Isabelle Tory

Its easy to get discouraged in the pitch black darkness of a no moon night. But hold your heart and stay courageous. You will certainly see the light of day and things will become better for you.
~ Cathryn Dose

My love - With you as my friend by my side, I can see the brightness in life. I used to be scared of all the darkness of loneliness but you have turned it into sunshine.
~ Kayla Gaines

Next Page: Good Morning baby Quotes

How to keep the sunshine all day long?
In this case we are talking about your mind. You see, even if there is something unhappy happening in your surrounding areas you can remain positive and happy. You may have noticed that sometimes even when people speak ill about you, you tend to not care and stay happy. That is because you did not let it affect your mind. That is the simplest way to keep sunshine in your mind always.
You can be happy if you choose to ignore the bad things and accept and focus on the happy aspects of life.

Have a great day!
Next Page: More sunshine quotes

Monday, October 7, 2013

Good morning friday quotes

Some people live for vacations while others live for happiness. I work hard and wade through the four working days of the week just so that I can see the Friday morning.
~ Friday Quotes
Good morning friday quotes
Friday Quotes
Its Friday morning! Friends have been called, food has been ordered and drinks are coming by too. Back to the epic day of the week.
~ Jim Patrick

Some Fridays are good while others are great. But the best Fridays are those times when I get a sweet piece of paper called a paycheck.
~ Jonas Loo

America celebrates freedom on 4th of July, Canada on the 1st of the same month. India celebrates independence day on 15th August and I celebrate freedom and independence every Friday morning!
~ Corn Vic

Monday morning came and I was droopy and sad. Tuesday morning I was rubbing my eyes. Wednesday morning was like pulling through it all. Thursday felt like I couldn't do it. Friday morning is when the party started!
~ Pippin Third

Don't let the days of toil and hard work fade your memory of the awesome time called Friday morning. It is the day when you know the last day of work has dawned and freedom is coming by.
~ Hannah Polite

Don't let Friday bring joy only for a single day. Live every day like its a Friday. Bring a smile to your face and make it a life style. There is nothing better than making the most of every day of your life.
~ Danielle peonage

All five days were meant to be spent behind the desk or hard labor. Then comes the day of liberation which clearly sets itself apart from the other days. Friday eve it is.
~ Tungsten Turin

Gifts are taken and given away, money comes and it goes away. But a true friend is like the tree which is firmly planted by the rivers. Provides fruits, shade and shelter until it dies. Cheers to our Friday friends!
~ Ron Baruch

I could be writing and talking about Friday all day long but nothing can fully describe the excitement Friday brings after a hard working week. Fridays are just amazing!
~ Tim Bart

I am really excited about today being Friday and I think the last time I was so excited was last Friday.
~ Gena Tong

Worked all week like a slave, now that Friday has finally arrived, it is time for me to live like a king!
~ John Hart

I am pleasantly surprised every Friday thinking back from Monday. On Monday I feel like the week will never come to an end. Friday is such a blessing.
~ Jean Moss

Next Page: The best morning Love Quotes

Monday, September 30, 2013

Good Morning love messages

Morning is such a wonderful time to say what my heart feels.
Every time I think of you, my heart leaps and I get a little thrill.
I don't know when it all started, someone stole my heart but how?
Let me send this good morning message and ask the robber now.
~ Sarah Gomez
Good Morning love messages for him and them

A sip of morning tea will make you feel good.
The chirping  birds will soothe your mind as they should.
Lovely breeze from the mountains will calm you down.
And the entire morning you will have a smile, no frown.
~ Amber Luis

This morning I wish you
many occasions where people make you laugh. Times when you stare a the sky and think how blessed you are. Most of all I wish you a happy good morning.
~ Jessica MC Hammer

From the start of the sunrise until the time when it sets,
You are on my mind and this you should not forget,
Your problems I will punch away, sadness I will shove.
You are my darling for whom my heart overflows with love.
~ Angie Rogers

Many have heard me whisper and some have heard me shout.
As I confess my love for someone, morning all throughout.
The sun has heard me saying it and the birds have heard me too.
That every morning and everyday, I truly & deeply love you.
~ Omar Dallas

Sometimes I think about your smile and its feels bright and sunny.
Then I think about your face and its feels sweet as honey.
Thinking about you my heart skips a beat without a warning.
Loving you is like a new beginning, like the early morning.
~ Craig Lopez

Across the distances like the moon and the sun,
through the night to meet you by morning I will run.
Because the day I met you, I was totally stunned.
I cannot wait for the day when you and I become one.
~ Esther Mathis

As I looked outside the window, I thought about you.
Our friendship is precious to me, strong bonded by glue.
We used to play fun games and go for exciting parties.
We would dress up well and act like smarties.
I miss those days and look up to see you in future,
every moment spent with you has made me more richer.
~ Don Kant

Next Page: Wonderful text messages for the morning

How does sending love messages help?
Sending these every morning would definitely create a connection. When something happens habitually to a person, they wait for more of it. If they do not get it, they crave for it. Doing something sweet for someone on a regular basis will have the same effect. It builds a habit and it creates a good connection. Overdoing it of course can hurt but doing it in the right number of intervals is a good thing.
You can always take

Next Page: Sweet and really good love messages

Monday, September 23, 2013

Good morning quotes sms

What is different about this morning than those others?
Here is a day which has never been lived before, a date which has never been visited and this friend of yours has grown closer to you in friendship. Good Morning!
~ Nassau trots
Good morning quotes sms
Good morning quotes sms
It takes less than a day to succeed and do great things. Never underestimate the power of things that can happen in one day. Look up positively and have a great day!
~ Patriot Ross

This sms has not come to eat up your battery. Instead it has brought along with it some sunshine, sounds of birds chirping and a lovely wish that your day goes well. Good morning!
~ Billy Major

Don't let the regrets and hatred of yesterday consume this morning. Forget the people who hurt you and make the most of people who have been entrusted to you. Let love be your motivation today. Good day!
~ Molly Sams

Let me be the one that brightens your life. The kind of friend who brings beautiful music for your ears and a delight to your eyes. Good morning!
~ Kim Leroy

God has blessed you with so many talents. Make sure that you make use of each of those qualities to make life beautiful for yourself and your loved ones. Have a blessed day!
~ Tony Moll

If you wish to make a relationship better this morning then understand that people sometimes only need a listening ear rather than a talkative mouth. A loving hug than a push and a gentle smile to remind that everything is going to be alright. Good morning.
~ Johnny Pats

Mornings are like a blank canvas. You need to draw and put your own paints. You have a choice to make the canvas look ugly or make it lovely. Choose the latter and have a beautiful day ahead!
~ Mill Roans

Next Page: Good Morning Monday Quotes

How to start up and have a good morning?
Every one gets up from their bed groggy and still feeling sleepy. Its a transition from the world of rest to a day of life. It is important that you start your mind up with something positive. Don't wait until your mind throws some thoughts at you. YOU be the one that guides your mind in the right direction.

That is definitely a good way to start your day. If worries hit your mind then just bump them off with a positive thought. Let no worries touch you and let goodness and happiness be your main agenda. That way you will be happy and also be able to spread that happiness to others.
Have a great day!

Next Page: Wake up quotes

Monday, September 16, 2013

Good evening quotes

Evenings get even better when you have a special someone besides you to cheer you up. Even if the day has not been favorable just spending a peaceful evening can make the entire day worth living.
~ Jeremy Schwarz

Let the evening breeze gently refresh your face, pour in a glass of red wine and play some fine music. Just another lovely evening in the alleys of France. ~ Moe Gray
Good evening quotes for every day
Good evening quotes
Let the worries of the past, yesterday and today escape
your mind. In this moment just listen to your heart and its beats. Relax and smile - everything is going to be alright.
~ Lain Beige

Don't carry your burdens to bed, they are better left far away. You need to give it a break and replace those things with happiness.
~ Anaerobe Paris

Keep doing your best and stay in peace. When you have an attitude of faith and hope everything will turn around in your favor for your own good.
~ Katie Waugh

Good evening fellow patriots. I want to make sure that all of you are having a good time today and are ready for a great year ahead.
~ John Levitt

Had a bad day? I want to tell you that you don't have to loose hope. There are people who have been poor all their life and one day they meet their soul mate or win a lottery. Don't give up hope.
~ Bill Fence

Before you go to sleep, make sure you forgive every one who has wronged you and put thoughts of success and happiness in your mind. These seeds will grow to become reality someday if you make it a practice.
~ Vienna Dance

Keep believing in your dreams and let no one and nothing shake your mind off your goals. A focused mind can achieve what it wants to if it stays on track. Good evening!
~ Krill Faye

More often than not, what you think in the morning is what you were thinking about the previous evening. Build yourself with peace, joy and goodness. You will have good evenings and happy mornings.
~ Mickey Daugherty

Next Page: The best of Good Morning Sayings

Monday, September 9, 2013

Nice good morning quotes

Every morning I wake up to realize that the best day is still ahead of me. This is a different day that I have in front if me. I have never lived such a day before and I have to make the best of it.
~ Jason Mister
Nice good morning quotes

Striding places and gunning for glory is what a winners life would be. What is stopping you from living a life of victory? This morning make up your mind for success.
~ Jean Beguine

Look at the birds in the air. They never
worry about parties, food, education and other superficial things. Yet God in heaven takes care of them. Leave your worries behind and let God take control of your life.
~ Melanie Shaun's

Every morning is a new opportunity to be a better person. Today you can change yourself and make this world a better place to live in.
~ Philly Johnson

Let the morning wild flowers fill your senses with fragrance. The cheerful birds will then fill your ears with music. And when you are up and ready to go, good breakfast will be ready for you. Good morning!
~ Deena Raleigh

Everyday is a gift that needs to be used with cautiousness. Because what you do today is something you trade for one day of your life. Trade carefully.
~ Drought Wayne

Many did not have the chance to wake up today. As you get up from your bed be thankful for this wonderful day you have been blessed with.
~ Timothy Kenton

There are friends waiting for my company, strangers waiting for a kind smile. There are blind people who I can help cross the road and unhappy people whom I can cheer up. This is a wonderful day!
~ Billy Zany

Your life will not be a result of what you did when you were laying on the bed asleep. It will however be a result of what you do when you are off the bed. Good Morning!
~ York Kenton

Though with the depart of the sun darkness takes over the earth, it never is really able to conquer because the sun rises once again. In the same way no matter how many times you fall, you will always get up.
~ Donna Ark

Next Page: Thank you God Good morning Quotes

How to have a good day?
Everyone including me wants to have a good day. We all wish to have good moments in life. There are a few habits that you can inculcate which will help you have a better than average day. Firstly, if you encounter something negative, immediately drive your focus away from it. There might be people who try to pull you down and your best defense is to flee from them. You mind can take only so much and it is better to escape than to fill your mind with negativity. Second step is to immediately talk to yourself and give focus on the good things.
These are just two things that you need to follow and then you will see that your day just goes from being average to above average. That is the way to go.

Next Page: Good Morning Quotes

Monday, September 2, 2013

Good Morning God Quotes

The Sun you created is shining brightly under your command. The birds you set into the air chirp about your splendor. The flowers dance for joy at your greatness. And I have nothing more than a grateful heart to offer to you Oh Lord my God! Thank you for creating me.
~ Norman Jagger
Good Morning Gospel of Luke, Bible verse Luke 1:17
Good Morning God Quotes
Never forget that no matter what situation you are facing today, God has not left you. He has not abandoned you or forgotten you. He created you and you are still special in his eyes. Good Morning!
~ Tim Tungsten

Thank you Lord God for everything you have given me and continue to bless me with. Your goodness is greater than the love of friends and family because you blessed me with them. Help me follow your holy will.
~ Ruth Gatsby

This day is a gift from you and all I wish
to do today is be a person who is honest, loving and of service to others. I want to be an individual who uses all the gifts and talents you have blessed me with for good of others. Help me God.
~ Gerald General

No matter what problems are ahead of me and what my enemies plan against me, I know that my God is with me.
~ Moss Blue

Sometimes we loose peace by getting stuck onto things that we really desire and are still not getting from God. Instead we should focus on things that we did not even desire and received without asking.
~ Mahogany Spring

Today I choose to forgive all those who have hurt me Lord. Not forgiving them is like landing in prison for their faults. I let go of all hatred and accept your love on this beautiful morning. Thank you Lord.
~ Weeny Shaw

Friends may back stab me, relatives may disappoint me and close people may betray me. But I place my trust and faith in you oh God. I know that you are always there and will love me at all times.
~ Mica Shane

Times may change and people will come and leave. But the mercies of almighty God will last forever.
~ Bethany Lad

Oh Lord, my God give me the strength this day to help people who have no one to help. Please guide me to be humble at all times. Please guard me from all that is evil and bless me Lord.
~ Welch Morgan

Every morning is a gift from the almighty God. Before you think about anything else remember that life comes from the one above and thank him for all that he blesses us with.
~ Kim Bathers

Next Page: Sunshine quotes on a lovely morning

Always start your day with a prayer to God, it does not need to be fancy words. You just need to ask God for strength for the day and all the tasks that are lying ahead of you. Pray that you will be happy and be of service to others. Thank God for all the good things that he has blessed you with and remember your blessings. Praise the Lord and thank him immensely and then you will see his power working inside of you.
God is greater than all of us combined. He made everything and every feeling that we feel. Keep God by your side and read the Holy scriptures from the Bible if you can. Let God be blessed in everything you do today. Have a blessed day!

Next Page: This morning is beautiful and you should see it

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Success Quotes

It can seem pretty impossible when one says that the key to his success is success quotes. How can a string of words inspire you to the extent that you reach to the peak of the mountain?! Hmm, kind of ridiculous. But no, this is NOT a joke. Success quotes can really be your driving force to success if you really know how to use it properly.

It takes everything to be successful but it takes nothing to be a no body. When you need the motivation and inspiration, success quotes can really be your back up call. So, understand them and learn them and know them like the back of your hand. You will be amazed at how helpful they might be.

Success Quotes

Success Quotes

Success Quotes

Success Quotes

Success Quotes

Success Quotes

Many of us run out of ideas once a while. And we just get increasingly and drastically frustrated when our brainstorming just no longer do "the trick". Everyone hates moments like this, and this is also why sometimes getting success quotes plastered on your walls come in handy!

There are plenty of success quotes around, but does it mean that you need to read them like a holy book? Nah, the proper way to do it is to read a few GOOD success quotes and spend a moment or two reflecting on the message that it has. Sometimes it is the simplest quotes that have the deepest and meaningful messages.

Success quotes can be your key to a long lasting success as long as you allow it to linger in your life and give it a thought. As aforementioned, reflection is a must. Achieve the amazing feeling of satisfaction when a normal day takes a turn to a fantastic day of high achievement.

The quality of success quotes varies from people to people. Some prefer short and precise quotes while some prefer the long winded ones. But my personal choice will definitely have to be the ones that consist of repetitions. A good success quotes should be one that has plenty of information for you to sit and ponder on. It must be short and quick and easy to understand. Succinct and to the point - that is the right kind of success quote for you. And of course, a fantastic success quote would be one that highlights to you the key idea or principle that is pertaining to the subject of success.

While success quotes might not have any physical effect on you, you will be surprised that you are able to live happily and enjoy your days more often then not. These success quotes are just like positive affirmations that get embedded into your mind. As such, if you do this over a long period of time, these positive affirmations will be permanently glued into your head.

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas A. Edison

This is just one of the popular quotes that you probably have seen before. Relatively easy to understand, precise and directly from the Man himself. It is not a wonder this quote is very well known.

Make some of the success quotes yours today and learn to keep them. They will be your key to success, one day.

Positive Thinking Quotes

Positive thinking quotes are ideal sources for inspiration and courage in your personal life. When you read them, you not only feed your mind with positive energy, but you also grab nuggets of wisdom from the greatest men and women who ever lived. For almost any situation, you'll find that there is always an appropriate saying, adage or quotation for your benefit. When you collect positive thinking quotes, it's like building your own personal library of motivating thoughts. You may not be able to read and digest all the quotes in one sitting, but you can always refer to them when you're feeling down and needing an emotional boost.

Positive Thinking Quotes

Positive Thinking Quotes

Positive Thinking Quotes

Positive Thinking Quotes

Positive Thinking Quotes

Positive Thinking Quotes

Positive Thinking Quotes

Collecting positive thinking quotes takes some focus and mental alertness at first. But when you are truly in search of positive ideas, you will discover that the world we live in is full of encouraging thoughts. Therefore, you must always be aware of the world around you. Make an effort to take mental note of positive sayings you hear in your daily life. If possible, write down motivational quotes when you hear them being spoken by someone, or when you see them in print. This kind of mental alertness and openness to positive ideas will train your senses to filter negative thoughts. It will allow you to erase feelings of low self esteem and replace your mindset with a positive outlook.

A relatively easier way to gain access to positive thinking quotes is to get yourself a good quotation reference book. These types of books are available in almost every major bookstore, and contain compilations of popular, proven and time tested sayings. A lot of these books have the quotations arranged systematically in various categories such as theme and author name. Thus, using a quotation reference book allows you to easily find the perfect quote that fits your unique situation. It's also a good way to add spice to your communication skills. For example, if you're aspiring to become an effective public speaker, you can use positive quotes to inspire your audience and finish your speeches on a high note.

When reading positive thinking quotes, don't just skim through them and finish them in a hurry. The power of positive quotes is not in the words used, but in how you comprehend those words and assimilate them into your subconscious. Your mind will benefit more if you take time to internalize positive ideas. If possible, learn and discover the background story behind every quotation. This will add more meaning to the nuggets of motivation you are reading. For example, a lot of people are familiar with the saying, "I can't accept failure without trying". But if you're aware that the person who originally said those words is Michael Jordan, and you're fully aware of the challenges and circumstances that he faced in his career, the quotation would have a deeper meaning to you. That's why it's important to read quotes and sayings intently, in between the lines.

Good Quotes

Every moment, every day, every hour in our life many thoughts are born in its course. Some are just dreams and some become visions. Most of the time, we are unable to differentiate between the dream and vision. Some of us think that they are same but we should remember one thing however that not all dreams turn into visions. We loose much of our energy in imaginary dreams which rarely bear fruits. Visions are actually the message from the Great Spirit shown differently to different persons so that each one can have a different purpose in one's life. Definitely, a vision belonging to one person may not be that of another. One prerequisite to have a vision is to be prepared to receive it and when it shows itself it must be accepted immediately. When we come across any good quotes we can see the inner urge turning into reality, and only then these visions can be fulfilled. When it comes to sharing this vision it can not just be shared be everyone that person must be trusted to carry it out because commitment precedes vision.

Dreams help us grow great and we can also see around us that all big personalities are dreamers.

Good Quotes

Good Quotes

Good Quotes

Good Quotes

Good Quotes

Good Quotes

Good Quotes

Wherever it's the fireside of a long winter's evening or the soft haze of a spring day they keep their dream alive. While some of us let these grand dreams vanish into oblivion, others protect them and nourish them through terrible days till those dreams are brought to the sunlight. And this always happens to those who sincerely hope that someday their dreams are going to be materialized. Everyone has ones own life to pursue and we all keep weaving our own kind of dreams. We all are blessed with some power to make our wishes come true, and for that we must believe ourselves and our dreams. Every great dream needs a dreamer and we can find from the good quotes of those dreamers that we have within us the strength, the passion, and the patience to reach the sky and change the world.

We can see that there are people who say that they have got dreams and then they put their dreams into a little box and close it. They put this box away at some distant place and just watch them from there only. They bring that box out of its place once in a while and look into it to find out that they were still there. Those may be great dreams but the owner of those dreams never even bother to get it out of the box. It takes an exceptional amount of nerve to put our dreams on the desired path of realization and to hold them up and accept our responsibilities. This is where courage brings itself into the picture. We should never allow ourselves to negotiate our dreams. They must be freed to fly high. The collection of good quotes tells us that no one has the right to limit our dreams. We should not surrender our dreams.

Dr. Seuss Quotes

Dr. Seuss Quotes: Scan through the Pages of the Books 
You may hear them on TV or from friends, or you may read them in print, but the real Dr. Seuss quotes can be obtained straight from the main source: from the books published by the author.

Over the course of his professional career, Theodor Seuss Geisel, a world-renowned cartoonist and writer, had launched countless children's books, with a lot of spunk and great stories to tell. They are also excellent sources of Dr. Seuss quotes.

Dr. Seuss Quotes

Dr. Seuss Quotes

Dr. Seuss Quotes

Dr. Seuss Quotes

Dr. Seuss Quotes

Dr. Seuss Quotes

Dr. Seuss Quotes

The Books of Dr. Seuss 

1. And to Think that I Saw It on Mulberry Street. Some of the famous quotes found here are actually spoken by the main character named Marco. He was an inquisitive young boy who loved to pay attention to his surroundings, particularly the people who lived and passed by the Mulberry Street. The Dr. Seuss quotes, moreover, are addressed to his dad, to whom he wished to tell the story.

2. The Cat in the Hat. The Cat in the Hat is one of the most popular fiction books created by Dr. Seuss. Some of the Dr. Seuss quotes related to this would also come from the movie adaptations. The first one, which was published in 1957, would also be the beginning of other 5 follow-up books of the similar story line. The Dr. Seuss quotes here are normally spoken by the two young kids and, most of all, the cat, who planned to plan chaos into the household. The famous quotes are witty, treacherous in meaning, but totally entertaining.

3. The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins. This book was launched before the end of the 1930s. Unlike other Dr. Seuss quotes, which were part of rhymed verses, the famous quotes here were actually from prose. The main characters in the story were King Derwin and Bartholomew. Moreover, since the setting of the story was in feudal era, you can find some old English Dr. Seuss quotes.

4. Green Eggs and Ham. There are definitely enumerable Dr. Seuss quotes in this book. After all, everything-from the story down to the setting-were told in spoken dialogues. Furthermore, to make sure that the book will also be appreciated by children, Seuss added some graphics or images.

5. Horton Hears a Who. This is a classic fiction from Seuss and was later adapted into a movie. The Dr. Seuss quotes are spoken by the protagonist Horton, an elephant who was responsible for the safety and protection of Whoville. It's a small community that lived on a speck of a dust.

Indeed, classics can give you excellent and worth-remembering adages, such as Dr. Seuss quotes. If you don't know where to look for these books, you can definitely shop in your book shops. A lot of them are absolutely selling them knowing how popular they are after all these years.

You can also download the books from the Internet in the form of PDFs. You can later save them in your laptop, desktop PCs, or even in your PDAs; so you can comfortably access these Dr. Seuss quotes even when you're on the road.